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Group Classes

Animistic Healing Arts
Group Classes


There is no better way to revive what it means to come to the hearth than in group classes. In the old wise ways, there was no separation. The harmonious union of our ancestors to one another and to the spirit and natural world was ever present. The health of one individual was the health of the community and the health of the land. It was interwoven. And it still is.


For over 15 years I have been teaching a variety of classes, from plant spirit classes, earth-based nervous system groups, animistic healing practices and more. These classes are inspired by the earth-centered teachings of Ann Drucker, the Maya plant healing traditions of Miss Beatrice Waight, the somatic practices of Zvi Ish-Shalom, the land and plants that I live with, and the wisdom of my earth-and-cosmic-centered ancestors.


You can find descriptions for upcoming and past classes below.


2024 Classes


Plant Temple Fridays

April - October 2024

This class will gather to engage respectful, nourishing, and collaborative relationships with our Plant Elders. We will listen in embodied presence to what the plants would like to show us. 

In this class we will:

  • Practice developing authentic, reciprocal, and collaborative relationships with the Plants and the Land

  • Receive direct messages and insight into your own spiritual, emotional, and physical growth from the Plants 

  • Engage in healing and divination practices with the Plants and the Land, including herbal baths and plant brushings

  • Experience the support, nourishment, and sacred process of being in a community with other humans and our collective wisdom in collaboration with the than human world

  • Rest, recharge, and restore with nature and the embodied knowing that we are nature

Weaving Round the Wheel: Beltane to Samhaim, A Folk Healing Journey for Wise Women

May-October 2024

5 retreat day gatherings inspired by the plants, the folk arts, and the transformational energy of the earth-centered seasonal holidays.


Including: earth-centered ritual, plant connection, spiritual healing, divination, community counsel, ancestral arts such as: cordage making, basket weaving, sacred storytelling, and plant healing foods.

In this class we will:

  • Connect with the plants of the season and engage in community ritual

  • Experience a container interwoven with your spirit guides, community wisdom, support, and counsel of wise women

  • Practice the earth and spirit filled ancestral folk art of cordage and basket weaving that supports you in holding your prayers on your healing journey

  • Nourish yourself with plant inspired seasonal treats

  • Be held and transformed by the living myths and stories of the season

Community Care Practioner Circle

May-September 2024

This gathering is for practitioners of the healing arts and space holders that have experience in earth-centered plant healing that would like to have a place to be tended and to practice. During our time together we will give and receive healing in community. At the end of our time, we will participate in a healing ceremony for the planet.

In this class we will:

  • Experience being held in a community of other practitioners for your own healing

  • Feel the support of your spirit guides and the plants, as well as human allies within a community setting

  • Allow yourself to be tended to so you can come home to yourself

  • Engage in a healing ceremony for the planet


Past Classes Offered


Women's Soul Remembering Circle (2023)

In these current times it can be easy to lose sight of who we are, why we’re here, and what medicine we each carry. In support of our personal and collective development, we will gather in sacred community with our spirit guides and each other to explore our original blueprint and the gifts we are here to share. This group will be centered around the shamanic practice of soul remembering. A soul remembering is a journey or meditation in which you are brought back to the moment before you were born to remember who you truly are and what gifts you have come to earth to share.


Partnering with the Plants (2023 & 2022)

This women's class will gather to engage respectful, nourishing, and collaborative relationships with our Plant Elders. We will listen in embodied presence to what the plants would like to show us. These wise ones have the long view and know deeply about change, and they want to support us as their younger kin. Partnering with the plants in a good relationship helps us navigate the changing times we are living in with more grace, wisdom, perspective, and can bring deep healing. 


Partnering with the Plant People: Exploring Relationships with the Plantcestors (2019)

Plants were on earth long before humans and animals. Humans would not be here today if it were not for our plantcestors. Plants and humans have evolved alongside each other in a relationship that was once known by many of our ancestors as a sacred kinship. In this class series, explore practices that support cultivating relationships with the plant kin. Experience the unique and exquisite presence of each plant that goes beyond what has been written. From the foundation of an authentic relationship, we will engage the possibility for healing, transformation and direct revelation.


Deepening Relationships:Animistic Practices for Relating with Spirits of the Land, Ancestors, and Guides (2018)

Animism recognizes that we are part of a community and honors the relationships that connect us all. This community includes nature spirits, animals, humans, ancestors of place and blood, and many other beings.


In this 5-course series, we will explore practices and engage in ceremonies that support cultivating healthy relationships with the land and ancestors of the land. We will also experience practices that tend and deepen our relationships with our ancestors and guides.


Earth Based Nervous System Support Group (2021)

​This class will gather to engage in different earth-centered practices to nourish and support the nervous system. Resourcing our nervous systems with earth-centered practices creates more relaxation in the body, balance and clarity in the mind and emotions, and strength and centeredness in our spirit. Nature has the long view and knows deeply about change. Overall, partnering with the earth in good relationship for nourishment allows us to surf the changing times we are living in with more ease and grace. 


The Call (2020)

The intention for this gathering is to strengthen our connection to the spiritual world for greater perspective and resource, and also that in these changing times, we need each other to not only survive, but to thrive. These group meetings will have an opening grounding, a teaching, a community or partnered practice, a ritual or dedication of merits to the humans and more-than-human world, and a closing. There will always be a time dedicated to clearing what needs to be cleared and calling our energy back to us so that we can be centered in our true selves. 

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To contact Rachel, book a session, or send an inquiry please email 


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I dedicate this website in deep gratitude to those that helped weave its creation into being...


Kelly McClelland: Website creatrix and magic maker, bringing the animistic spiritual world into digital form while creating a sacred and practical container around it all. Edica Pacha: Photographer alchemist. Kris Davidson: Cosmic Earth Yarrow drawing wizard. Dan Halpern: Partner extraordinaire who is a great editor and therapist wrapping it all in so much love and support.

All Rights Reserved 2022 © Rachel Weitz

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